EmergenSea actions
Prevention of further water craft damage, enviroment protection and safety at sea are the main guidilines in our mission of helping the mariners.
Tegljenje, spašavanje nasukanih i potonulih plovila te hitan prijevoz na otoke i kopno okosnica su našeg posla. Tijekom godina radili smo za gotovo sva osiguravajuća društva u Hrvatskoj te za čarterske firme duž Jadrana. U 2009-oj je kroz ES call centar prošlo preko 200 intervencija i to od jednostavnih dostava do spašavanja nasukanih plovila i tegljenja plovila preko 60 BRT-a kroz uske kanale i prolaze.
More than 85% of interventions are caused by engine breakdown. With 70 bases in 5 countries, arrival upon the watercraft is 40 min in average, which in most cases prevented further damage caused by growding.
Bad waether conditions during the night sailing might cause harder damages. Well trained skippers, experienced divers, and good cooperation with the incurance companies will provide your water craft fast assistance, and save the money for members.
To avoid hidden rocks and reefs, check the maps before departing! (available for free on ES web page)
Need a logistics while organizing specific events? We are here to help you!